Minister of Tourism Caribbean island St. Lucia invited the famous singer Amy Winehouse to visit the resort again, promising a free drink at local bars. The fact that a few months ago, Amy so scandalously rested on the island that the tourism business income went up sharply.
Minister of Tourism of St. Lucia's Allen Chastanet said that always glad to see Amy on the island.
"No one actor did arrange anything like this here before and did not exert such a significant impact on the life of the resort. I'd like her to go back," - said the official.
According to him, with the appearance of actresses on the island sales are up and the tourist industry literally comes alive. Moreover, British scandalists has a very beneficial effect on the economy, and go on stage it is entirely optional. The 2009 Amy even been booed by the public in St. Lucia.
"I'm sorry that she could not perform well last year, but it happens. But in terms of spending time and maintain its image as Amy was very professional," - said Chastanet with a share of adulation and irony.
Bar owners have supported this impulse bureaucratic hospitality Keeping in mind the prospects of personal material gain. At the same time bartenders and restaurateurs are even ready to make the guest house Artist certain discounts and concessions.
"We will be happy to pour Amy free champagne rum with cola", - said the manager of one of the bars Gilbert George.
Added that most of Amy Winehouse fame at the resort is not his concerts, and drunken adventures. In particular, the performance of the singer got quite enough to crawl on all fours on the street and asked passersby to buy her a drink, said Turist.rbc.ru.
From the star hangouts from the British Isles is not only one Amy Winehouse is known for drunken antics in the tourist areas: in airports and resorts. For example, the popular Irish actor, star of movies "Tudors" and "From Paris with Love" Rhys Meyers is not allowed on board United Airways, because the actor was drunk and swearing. The incident occurred at Kennedy Airport in New York.
According to the airport, Jonathan "Drunk," Vodka in the VIP-lounge while waiting for landing on the flight, and then acted aggressively and began to swear. As a result, film star denied the right to board the plane.
Details about the incident were not disclosed because of the laws of confidential information. But we know that this is not the first such incident with Reece Maeyrsom. In 2009, the actor was arrested for drunken brawl in a bar in the Paris airport Charles de Gaulle, and in November 2007, Jonathan was taken into custody in Ireland, after wrangling with the protection of the air port.